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Saturday Morning Composers was created when I was looking for a place to perform in the community. After a serendipitous chat with Kara Pearson, Youth Services Librarian at Sandy Library, the first SMC performance was scheduled for January 18th! SMC events were sponsored by Salt Lake County Library Services.


Promoting music education in our own community

Providing performance opportunities for young pianists!


January 18 | March 29 | April 26 | May 31


  • Time: 11 am to noon

  • Location: The Large Meeting Room at Sandy Library
    (10100 S. Petunia Way, Sandy, UT 84092)

  • Events are family friendly and free!

March 29th Performers!

March 29th Performers!

Some young audience members!

Some young audience members!

Nominate a young musician!

The upcoming events will feature 4-5 young pianists from the community. The pianists will participate in engaging with the audience by sharing their experiences and knowledge. Pianists play on a Yamaha G2 grand piano!

Pianists will receive a Certificate of Participation for volunteering their time and sharing their talent with the community to promote music education.

Send me a message through the contact page if you or a young pianist you know would like to perform! 

Event Updates

May 31st: This is the last event for now because I'm moving to Austin, Texas! Come join the fun & experience how a piano works!

April 26th: Composing workshop featuring student composers from Sandy! Come learn about composing and become a composer for the day -- no experience necessary! 

March 29th: Featuring young pianists Sara Arkell (11), Evan Arkell (9), Anne Babcock (16), Nina Babcock (14), and Avery Gunnell (12). Students of Patrice West and Bridget Johansen!

January 18th: Solo performance of Bach, Brahms, and Muczynski!